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beautiful park and photos!


hehe crazy! When my husband and I lived in Oizumi last year, we'd bike ride to that park and jog there every day. We'd vary it by jogging on the wooden boards around the lake on one side, and around the otherside of the park across the road.
I also loved taking pics there and trying to capture the king fisher (not successful of course :)


mmmmm, oden and beer!


beautiful park and photos...looked like a perfect day..


love your pictures!

Mari L'Esperance

Gorgeous photos. Love the ducks, the new green, the fallen petals... And I really appreciate that no one appears to be talking on their cell phone, texting, or otherwise disengaging from the beauty and serenity around them. I'm not sure that we'd see a similar scene in urban America, especially here in the Bay Area, where people can't even seem to go for a simple walk without digital contact!


Thank you Kat!

Lilia, what pretty pictures! I feel silly for not having gone sooner, but in our defense we live at the northern tip of Oizumigakuen, so it's a major trip for us. We will go again soon though.

Illahee, it was the most expensive oden and beer we've ever had! We had expected to pass a combini to pick up some cheap grub but didn't come upon one, so were forced to blow our budget at the park. I savored every drop of that beer, let me tell you.

Thank you Carlyn!

Thanks Kat!

Mari, there was one guy on his phone, but the way he enjoyed the view while he talked you could tell he was more into the park than his call.

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